I rarely post personal messages on my blog, but I simply can't resist this one! I do promise to post more projects photos today, though, just so you won't feel cheated.
My baby came home yesterday with his cap and gown. I made him put it on right away so I could get a picture. I am sure I will be able to get more photos of him in it, but I just couldn't wait!
It is so hard to believe that only a little over 17 1/2 years ago he came into this world at his whopping 3 lbs. 2 oz. and began his journey. It has been rough ride with this one, as he is very head strong and definitely hears a different beat than I do. Although he has managed to constantly keep me on my toes, he has truly put many, many smiles on my face and helped to make my heart a very, very happy one. Rarely do I share a "Tyler story" that doesn't bring tears to my eyes because I'm laughing so hard.
Okay, there's my "personal" share; thanks for indulging me and shareing my happy mom moment!

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