I am sure it is obvious at this point that I have not been posting regular blog updates and shareing all of the usual Rubber Room happenings. It is not because I haven't wanted to, believe me! However, the sad fact is that I have simply not had the time to share here. The good news, though, is that my classes and clubs are still meeting in the Rubber Room and having fun. SO, if you need some fun, please make plans to visit the Rubber Room soon!
I would love to be able to tell you that I will be back to posting soon, but, unfortunately, that is not the case. I do promise though that as soon as I am able, I will be right back here posting and shareing!
For those of you saying "What's the problem"? Well, in a nutshell here it is: My SIL has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and our family is trying to digest this information and find a way to deal with it. She has undergone radiation, and has now decided that she will not do any further treatments. Last week we were able to find a rehab center for her to go to, and this week we are trying to get her moved to a hospice facility, or into our home with hospice providing the extra care needed to make her comfortable here. Not sure how to make someone comfortable amongst our daily craziness, but we will surely do our best. It has been very hectic keeping up with her mail and her bills and visiting her at the hospital... but we are hanging right in there!
Many of you who already knew this have offered lots of help and prayers, and our family is most appreciative of all the support! Of course, we are greedy and ask that you keep praying for us and thinking of us. It truly means so much to know how blessed we are with wonderful friends.
I thank all of you in advance for your understanding and hope you will hang in there until the Rubber Room Ramblings blog spot is once again chock full of new ideas and daily inspiration!

I'm sorry to hear about your SIL Chris. I'll keep her and your family in my prayers!! May God grant her peace and comfort during this difficult time in her life.
i truly adore your posting taste, very attractive,
don't give up and keep creating as a result it simply nicely to look through it.
impatient to look into a lot more of your own stories, good bye!
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