As for me, I can honestly say that I tried very hard to make the "nice" list this year. I really wanted that Kindle!! But, alas, I must own up to a little bit of the naughty. I would just like to mention, though, that "naughty" is such a great way to say "bad". Come on, we all know that's what "naughty" really means.
I have been running way behind on all my Christmas chores and my life has seemed to be spinning slowly out of control since early this past summer. Each time I started to feel like I was getting my legs back underneath me, the rug was yanked and I was on my butt once again. I am determined, however, to persevere and praying that the new year will be a much better one for me.
Where does the "naughty" come in you may be asking yourself. Well, my goal was to make and mail all my Christmas cards in time so they would arrive by Christmas. I find that plan to be most acceptable (sort of like mailing a birthday card that will arrive prior to or on a birthday ;o). I did manage to make all of my Christmas cards (there were 107 of them this year). I am having serious doubts that they will arrive by Christmas, though. Well, honestly, considering I didn't make it to the post office with cards in hand until this morning, I am certain some of them will not make it in time for Christmas. I have heard myself say that they will make a nice after the holiday card~~okay, I know (really I do) that is BAD!!
AND that is only half of the "naughty" since I have not posted any new stuff on my blog in soooo long! I really miss being able to make something and take a picture of it and post it to share with all of you, and with any luck at all, the new year will allow me to be back to posting and creating on a regular schedule.
I truly am feeling a little better this evening, though, since I have made and mailed all my cards, our tree is up and decorated (I simply couldn't do more than that this year, so the rest of the house is not decorated and we don't have our Christmas china out and I know when my oldest son arrives home he will be a little shocked there's no garland and lights....) and I have all the gifts wrapped and ready to go under the tree.
Tomorrow is my cleaning day and my plan is that when the guys arrive home from the airport, the house will be clean, the tree lights will be on, Christmas carols will be playing and I will have dinner ready to put on the table. This feeling definitely makes me think that in Santa's book I was "nice" this year! After all, it's not what's under the tree or around the house, it's being with family and friends and enjoying time spent together!
I truly hope that all of you are able to take time to spend with those you care about and to be thankful for all the good things in your life during the holidays; and I wish you a happy and healthy new year!