Thursday, January 14, 2010


It is nearing the middle of January already and, as always, I am amazed at how quickly the days go by! Of course, each day starts off with a "To-Do List" that cannot possibly be accomplished in that day (or any other day that contains a mere 36hours). Nonetheless, I spend the entire day rushing around making phone calls, cleaning, running errands, doing laundry... all in an effort to be able to cross things off the dreaded list one at a time. Yes, I do realize that it seems as soon as I cross one thing off, I add another thing to the bottom of the list...... and on it goes. My day turns into a week and then two weeks and then a month, and then... you get the idea.

Well, today was my lucky day! I managed to get the Stampin' Up! specials posted below for you. Now you will have lots of ideas how to save some money and still get the hobby items you NEED! There are lots of specials in addition to Sale-A-Bration happening, so be sure to check them out. BUT, don't forget about SAB and, of course, all those goodies in the Occasions Mini!

My calendar is updated with all my classes for the first quarter of 2010. I may have to add a few more along the way, as I often get so inspired that I NEED to share a project or idea with my stamping friends. Rest assured, however, that I will keep you updated when inspiration hits so hard I have to add it to my calendar. I am sure all of you, like me, need a little "decompress" time, so be sure to check out my calendar (the ink is on my left side bar) and RSVP for a night (or morning) of relaxation and decompression.

The GREAT, SUPER-FANTASTIC, MAJOR TERRIFIC, OVER-THE-TOP-EXCITING news that makes my day my very best day of the new year so far is that I found my camera!! Yep, she was somewhere I never would have thought to look. I can only imagine how she managed to sprout legs and walk into the garage, hop in the car and squirrel herself under the seat, but I finally located her. We had our little talk about leaving without permission, how worried I was and how it will never happen again; and, of course, she is now grounded and will spend her grounding only in the Rubber Room. No more worries, though. I moved her safely into the house and then down to the Rubber Room.

Having gotten all of that accomplished today, I am on an adrenaline high, AND I am going to make (yes, "make") some time to put my pictures on my computer and to start sharing them with you again. I have to "make" time because I never "have" enough time, nor can I ever "find" enough time!

Well, having said all that, the moral of this story is: tomorrow I will start making regular posts here on my blog! It has gotten very lonely, and I have missed it a lot. I strongly suggest (no pressure, though ;o) you "make" some time to stop by soon and enjoy some creative inspiration!

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Hugs from the Rubber Room