Your special Starter Kit includes between $25 to $26.95 worth of Stampin' Up! merchandise, which you get to chose. AND with your $25 Starter Kit, you also receive a Business Pack with catalogs, order forms, workshop invitations... everything you need to start sharing Stampin' Up! with your friends. This opportunity is open to everyone. If you were a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator in the past, you can take advantage of this seriously-epic opportunity and join again!
Once you join, you are immediately a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator and get to enjoy all the perks. These perks include a regular discount of 20% off every order you place, AND a one-time discount of 30% off your first order of $150 (before shipping and tax, when placed during your first 45 days as a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator) AND you also get to enjoy the Hostess Benefits with that order!
If you are planning on placing an order of more than $25 this month (say, for instance, you "need" that weekly special on the Square Framelits for $26.95), you really should try becoming a demonstrator. You have absolutely nothing to lose and SO MUCH to gain. I love being a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator and the perk I enjoy the most is sharing Stampin' Up! with all the truly wonderful people I have met, and now feel honored and privileged enough to consider friends. I would love for all of you to be able to experience the benefits of knowing so many awesome people! There is absolutely NO obligation to purchase anything else every again, which means this is a win-win situation. The potential for you to enjoy a hobby you love at a discount or share your hobby with others and make some extra money while doing a job you love is exponential. Even if you order nothing again after joining, you will be able to enjoy your Demonstrator 20% discount, and lots of other Demonstrator perks until April 30, 2014. Just a few of the other Demonstrator perks include: Access to the Stampin' Up! demonstrator website; Access to Stampin' Connection, a demonstrator-only online forum; A Demonstrator magazine full of creative ideas, business tools and product information; Opportunities to attend Stampin' Up! training events, including Leadership and Convention;
AND when you join my Rubber Room Ramblers Stampin' Up! Family I add a few additional benefits.
PLUS, the Spring Mini Catalog AND Sale-a-Bration begin in January, and if you are a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator you get to pre-order in December from the Spring Mini Catalog (and enjoy your 20% discount) and you will also have the opportunity to purchase Sale-a-Bration items at that time (which SU! customers never do).
Do you have a few questions? Here are some Commonly asked Questions and their Answers:
1. How much do I have to buy/sell to remain a demonstrator? You have to buy/sell a minimum of $300 worth of products each quarter.
2. What is a quarter? Every quarter consists of three months. Stampin' Up! quarters are from January - March; April - June; July - September and October - December. Please note, the quarter you sign up in is not included. If you sign up during this special promotion (before October 21st), your first quarter would begin January 1st, 2014 and would end March 31st.
3. What happens if I don't place orders totalling a minimum of $300 by March 31st? On April 1st you will go into ‘Pending Status', which means you would still have full Demonstrator privileges. If you have not fulfilled your last quarter’s $300 minimum purchase/sales obligation by April 30th, on May 1st you will simply be dropped and will no longer be a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.
4. How much of a discount do I recieve? Every Stampin' Up! Demonstrator enjoys a 20% discount off every order they place (whether it is a workshop order, or your their own order).
5. Do I have to do workshops and/or home parties? Most certainly not. You are more than welcome to do both workshops and home parties, as well as classes and craft fairs, etc.... However, there is absolutely no obligation to any of those things. At Stampin' Up! we embrace all of our Hobby Demonstrators, and all Demonstrators enjoy the same benefits.
6. Can I make money as a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator? Of course you can. As a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator you become your own boss, so to speak. You decide how many hours you want to work, whether you want an online/internet business, a business with a walk-in studio teaching classes or offering make-and-take items, a business that combines workshops and social media, etc... Being your own boss also means you will decide how much money you want to make and how your Stampin' Up! business is run, and you will be in charge of setting your own goals and growing your own business. Stampin' Up! will provide you with tons of information on how to make your business profitable, including conventions, training sessions, webinars, social media sites, etc.... Stampin' Up! also provides many incentives to help you acheive your business goals.

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