These are very cute postcard shapes, and they are here just in time for the holidays!
Stampin' Up! has been thinking outside the box—well, the rectangle. And they have found a great alternative to the plain postcard—shaped postcards! They are happy to introduce you to some new 5" x 7" and 7" x 5" professional print options: the Scallop and Artisan Postcards*.
If you already have My Digital Studio, all you have to do is update your software, and you'll have access to these new shape options—perfect for wedding invitations, birth announcements, holiday cards, or every day greetings.After you update the software, you can open up a 5" x 7" or 7" x 5" postcard, then go to View > Bleed Areas and choose either of the new options: Artisan Shaped Postcard or Scallop Shaped Postcard. Once you are ready to order your shaped postcard, just go to Project > Order > Card. The bleed area that you selected while designing your card will be the default option in the ordering process. Want to check out the other shape? No problem, just use the drop down and change it.
Don't forget, these postcards are double-sided, so you can print on the back too. You'll also notice a new bleed area in your menu so that you can design your card with the end result in mind. Then, when you're ready to order, just select the shape you want in the ordering options. Or you can print them yourself.
Also, don't forget, Stampin' Up! offers FREE MDS downloads from time to time, and you can see the FREE downloads HERE!

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