I think the Hip Hip Hooray Card Kit is one of the best Kits Stampin' Up! has offered!
The Hip Hip Hooray Card Kit costs only $19.95, and includes all the materials you need to make 20 Note Cards. It is such a great deal, and makes the most adorable cards. This Kit is perfect for so many things: a great gift for a new stamper and/or papercrafter; the best project for your scrapbooking day (just think, all you need to pack is the kit, paper snips and some adhesive); an afternoon of relaxation and crafting, while making all your cards for upcoming events.... what you can do with this kit is only limited by your imagination. The Kit comes with instructions to assemble all 20 cards, but you can easily personalize the cards to your taste and skip the instructions.
Because I love hosting events in the Rubber Room and being creative and socializing with my papercrafting friends, I will be featuring this Kit on Saturday, April 12th at the Hip Hip Hooray Super Salad Saturday event in the Rubber Room. You can get your stamp on and visit with friends and have lunch all in one afternoon! The event runs from 1:00-4:00 p.m. and costs $25. You will need to bring your favorite adhesive and a salad bar item to share (I will assign you an item to bring when I send your reminder/confirmation). You must RSVP for all this fun by Tuesday, March 18th, 2014. This will allow plenty of time for your kit to arrive.

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