The new catalog is almost here, and it is full of great new Designer Series Papers and Ribbons and Accessories. If you are like me, you want them all, but the budget isn't exactly cooperating. You will need to whittle your list down, and purchase the must have items only.
A"share" is a great way to get a sampling of DSP and ribbons and accessories. That's right, you can now see all of the gorgeous Designer Series Paper without having to order 11 packs of paper and spend $147. You can also get a sampling of all the yummy new ribbons without breaking the bank. I don't normally offer shares, because they are a lot of work. However, now that I have a "helper" (whom I love), this is something that is doable. SO, I will be offering two simple shares. One is Designer Series Paper and the other is Ribbon. Here is what you get:
6 X 6 piece of each paper
7 Regular packs of DSP
4 Specialty packs of DSP
Total cost per person is 18.50 plus the shipping
6 X 6 piece of each paper
7 Regular packs of DSP
4 Specialty packs of DSP
Total cost per person is 18.50 plus the shipping
1 yard of all new ribbons (ribbons on 10 yrd bolts only~~ no twines or copper trim)
49 different ribbons
Total cost per person is 40.00 plus shipping
1 yard of all new ribbons (ribbons on 10 yrd bolts only~~ no twines or copper trim)
49 different ribbons
Total cost per person is 40.00 plus shipping
I will place the order on June 1st when the catalog goes live. If you are interested, you must place your order with me and pay in full before Midnight on Monday, May 29th, 2017.
Text me at: 248-909-8016
or email me at:

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