Look at these two cool bags! If you have ever thought about becoming a Rubber Room Rambler and joining in on all the fun we have, plus getting a discount on all your SU! purchases AND getting to pre order awesome items like these bags, now is a perfect time. Christmas is just around the corner and a SU! demonstrator Starter Kit just might be the perfect gift for you.
One of these bags is a Stamparatus bag, designed to hold your Stamparatus and keep it safe and cozy as you travel with it.
The other is a tote that is perfect to carry your stamping tools to workshops, on vacations or even to those crops we all love!
You can pre order both of these bags beginning today! You have to be a demonstrator to enjoy this amazing pre order (and so many other wonderful perks too). BEST PART, these bags can both be ordered as part of your Starter Kit (making it even more wonderful!!)
Just NEED these bags? That's cool too, you can pre order when you join and never place another order.
Have questions about joining, I am more than happy to help. You can text me at 248-909-8016; email me at: ckolly@stampingismybusiness.com
Ready to become a Rubber Room Rambler and enjoy free stamping time every month, plus all the other demo and rambler perks? Just go to my website and use the join now button to sign up and grab those bags at: www.rubberroom.stampinup.net

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