Everyone who knows me knows that I love a good sale. I am that girl who comes across a sale and starts texting my friends to let them know all about it. I can't help it, I just get so excited and NEED to share.
And this is one of those times, when I NEED to share.
Until midnight tonight Stampin' Up! is having it's Merry and Bright Online Extravaganza, and almost everything in our Annual Catalog is 10% off (see attachment for the short list of what's NOT on sale). That is an amazing deal on the wonderful high-quality products we sell. But it gets even sweeter. When you take advantage of the best deal in the catalog, (the $99 starter kit) you can build your starter kit with sale items and get an additional 10% savings. That means your starter kit is worth $137.50 of sale products, and you pay only $99 and get FREE shipping, and have no further commitment. Of course you have the option to place more orders and enjoy the happy shoppers discount of 20-25%, but you don't have to.
You can go right to my website at rubberroom.stampinup.net and join my Rubber Room Rambler team for HUGE savings, or just go and place your order there and enjoy the 10% off extravaganza!
When you place your order, be sure to use hostess code FJGZWCTF.
Place a minimum $45 order, and I will email 15 tremendous tutorials to you!

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