IT'S THE LAST CALL! You must RSVP by Midnight tonight (May 2, 2021) if you want to be included in the RR 2021-2023 In Color Club.
Here's how it works: Each month on the 15th of the month I will charge the credit card you have on file with me $49. You will receive the following items in one of the In Colors:
1. Ink Pad
2. Re-inker
3. A pack of 8 1/2" x 11" cardstock
4. Eight pieces of 6x6 Designer Series Paper
5. Stampin' Blends Combo Pack
6. Twenty In Color Jewels
7. Spool of Open Weave Ribbon
8. Stampin' Write Marker
AND your $49 monthly fee includes shipping right to your door. If you live close and to do a porch pick up, your monthly fee is only $45.
AND you will also receive 15 wonderful tutorials emailed to you on the 15th of each month.
You can RSVP by email: or text me: 248-909-8016
#RubberRoom #InColorClub

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